
Pendragon Theatre is an ensemble of artists, based in the Adirondacks, dedicated to preserving the vitality and enhancing the quality of professional theatre through year-round performance and educational programs.
Tickets available for purchase here.
September 15 - 19 , 2021, Lake Saranac, Adirondacks, NY
Pendragon Theatre Summer Season

Guild Hall is an arts, entertainment, and education center for the community. Its primary focus is to inform, inspire, and enrich our diverse audiences by presenting programs of the highest quality in the visual and performing arts, to collaborate with artists of Eastern Long Island, to foster the artistic spirit and to provide a meeting place for all
Tickets available for purchase here.
Guild Hall's Play In The Garden Series
September 8 - 11 , 2021, East Hampton, NY

White Rabbit Theatre Company
White Rabbit is an independent theatre company in Zurich, Switzerland, on a mission to provide English theatre experiences for audiences and creative people in the local community.
Postponed, Winterthur, Switzerland
WomensWork has chosen three plays - all written by women - that examine the ways madness manifests itself in women's lives, whether from the strain of caring for a parent with a deteriorating mind, the seismic change brought about by midlife crisis, or the daily dread faced by women duty-bound to risk their lives for a tyrant.

WomensWork Theatre Collaborative
See us in action! Opportunities to see us in 2021 and more things in the works.

Pleasance Edinburgh opened as part of the 1985 Festival Fringe. Thirty four seasons later the Pleasance has become one of the biggest and most highly respected venues at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, with an international profile and a network of alumni that reads like a Who’s Who of contemporary comedy, drama and entertainment.
Streaming On Demand, August 19 - 20, 2021
The Pleasance @ EdFringe 2021

A Festival of Jewish Theatre from Thursday, June 24 - Sunday, June 27, 2021 all online. This theatre and culture festival will showcase works of identity and social justice that relate to Jewish heritage, culture, history and spirituality and will come from theatre companies and artists internationally.
Teatron: Festival of Jewish Theatre
June 24th, 2021 at 8:30pm ET, Streaming

Moment Magazine to host a Reading and Talkback With Playwright Michelle Kholos Brooks and Holocaust Historian Gavriel D. Rosenfeld.
Free registration to this Zoominar here.
February 3, 2021, at 1:30pm PT | 4:30pm ET
Moment Magazine Zoominar Reading

Making its LA premiere, New Light Theater Project's
Hitler's Tasters will be presented by Electric Lodge and
Fringe Management LLC.
Electric Lodge & Fringe Management
March 12 - 15, 2020
May 8 - 21, 2020

Theatre Midwest is launching their first full season, which features plays exclusively by female playwrights.
February 20, 2020, Des Moines, Iowa
Featured in the Banned Together: A Censorship Cabaret during Banned Books Week 2019. For more info, click here.
September 23, 2019, Houston, TX
Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2019
Greenside, Olive Studio - SOLD OUT RUN
A New Light Theater Project Production
August 2 - 24, 2019
Theatre Midwest FRESH PRODUCE:
A Concert Reading Series
East to Edinburgh Festival at
59E59 Theaters
A New Light Theater Project Production
July 23 & 25, 2019
North Shore Center for the
Performing Arts
Presented by Orchard Street Productions
A New Light Theater Project Production
July 5 - 14, 2019

World Premiere: Centenary Stage
April 6 - 22, 2018
New York Premiere: IRT Theater
Produced by New Light Theater Project
October 5 - 27, 2018